Ladybug Farms Salt River Pima / October 12
Text me with any questions: 610 390 1102
Here is some information about what’s going on at the garden. I will be there on Sunday mornings to help teach or inform or anything that will assist in you getting comfortable with any of the ongoing chores of planting and watering and tending, as well as special projects such as building things for infrastructure or repairing things.
Mom and I are also at the the garden most mornings if you want to try and meet up. My goal is to have you feel informed and ready to come and get blissed out in the garden at whatever level of involvement you feel like.
Things at the top of the list to do:
- Always weeding.
- Always water everything. (Just look if it is wet; we are still fussing with timers that don’t work on the irrigation system)
- Plant everywhere we can, as soon as possible. We are at the end of being able to get things planted that will grow before it gets (kinda) cold.
- The vision we have is to make a lot of cloches and row walls with chicken wirem and try to eliminate all the row cover, which is a pain and looks ghetto.
- Fix all the drip irrigation
- Build a pony wall in the orchard garden along the plot boundary (and plant along it also)
- Repair the kitchen garden structure; crosswire needs fixed, and close up holes in chicken wire

Option A (special project) is to get a foot or more of chicken wire pony walls around all the rows, so we can ditch the ghetto row cover (we can always blouse it if we need additional protection). Option B is for when we have more chicken wire: make actual trays so gophers cannot get through the bottom and snatch the plants from below ground, those bastards…